Richard (age 75) and his wife Fly (age 73) have been married for 47 years, and have one daughter Simona (45). Simona is married to Connor (also 45) and they have three minor children: Aiden (15), Ryan (14), and Keegan (11). Richard and Fly are in great shape and expect to live another 15 years based upon family history, diet, and two hours of tennis every day. The couple have a net worth of $15,000,000 including their home ($2,000,000), Fly's $2,200,000 IRA that she is taking RMDs from, Richard's $500,000 IRA that they take RMDs from, $260,000 of personal property, $2,240,000 in artwork that Fly created during her career, and the balance in investments of publicly traded securities.
a. Convert the IRAs to Roth IRAs that are excluded from Estate Taxes.
Monies placed in a 529 Plan are excluded and not subject to five-year lookback provisions. Furthermore it is reasonable to assume that securities would appreciate over time, so this appreciation is outside the estate. A is false because Roth IRAs are included in the estate just as IRAs are. B is incorrect because the $10,000,000 policy will be included in the estate and actually compound the problem unless held in a trust, which is not specified. C is not a viable option because artwork owned by the creator is limited to the basis of the work if held by the creator. Yes, the supplies would be deductible at cost but this is de minimis and as such is not correct.
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
b. Use income from their securities portfolio to purchase $10,000,000 of second to die insurance as joint property to cover the future taxes.
Monies placed in a 529 Plan are excluded and not subject to five-year lookback provisions. Furthermore it is reasonable to assume that securities would appreciate over time, so this appreciation is outside the estate. A is false because Roth IRAs are included in the estate just as IRAs are. B is incorrect because the $10,000,000 policy will be included in the estate and actually compound the problem unless held in a trust, which is not specified. C is not a viable option because artwork owned by the creator is limited to the basis of the work if held by the creator. Yes, the supplies would be deductible at cost but this is de minimis and as such is not correct.
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
c. At her death, Fly can bequeath her artwork to a local museum.
Monies placed in a 529 Plan are excluded and not subject to five-year lookback provisions. Furthermore it is reasonable to assume that securities would appreciate over time, so this appreciation is outside the estate. A is false because Roth IRAs are included in the estate just as IRAs are. B is incorrect because the $10,000,000 policy will be included in the estate and actually compound the problem unless held in a trust, which is not specified. C is not a viable option because artwork owned by the creator is limited to the basis of the work if held by the creator. Yes, the supplies would be deductible at cost but this is de minimis and as such is not correct.
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.
d. Richard and Fly could superannuate contributions to 529 Plans for the three grandchildren, moving $240,000 out of the estate today and excluding that growth from their estate. After five years they could repeat this.
Monies placed in a 529 Plan are excluded and not subject to five-year lookback provisions. Furthermore it is reasonable to assume that securities would appreciate over time, so this appreciation is outside the estate. A is false because Roth IRAs are included in the estate just as IRAs are. B is incorrect because the $10,000,000 policy will be included in the estate and actually compound the problem unless held in a trust, which is not specified. C is not a viable option because artwork owned by the creator is limited to the basis of the work if held by the creator. Yes, the supplies would be deductible at cost but this is de minimis and as such is not correct.
Incorrect answer. Please choose another answer.